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Options - Display Related


  • description : custom command line question information
  • example :
  "messages": {
    "type": "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
    "scope": "Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):"
    // ...
  "messages": {
    "type": "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
    "scope": "Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):"
    // ...


  • description : set prompt inquirer theme color
  • type : string
  • default : "" (⇒ cyan color)


If you don't want to use the theme color of the configuration record, you can add a line to the profile file such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, which will have a higher priority:

export ___X_CMD_THEME_COLOR_CODE="38;5;043"
export ___X_CMD_THEME_COLOR_CODE="38;5;043"


  • description : custom selection type prompt
  • type : Array<{ name: string; value: string; emoji?: string }>
  • example :
    types: [{value: 'feat', name: 'feat: A new feature', emoji: ':sparkles:'}]


If you want to use Emoji, you need enable userEmoji configuration item.
And need to add Emoji Code, you can find the corresponding characters in: or emoji-cheat-sheet to supplement emoji.


  • description : Whether to enable commit messages with Emoji characters.
  • type : boolean
  • default : false


Try running command to enable output emoji mode in the current session

  • Commitizen CLI: emoji=1 cz
  • cz-git CLI: czg emoji


  • description : Set the location of Emoji in header
  • type : "left" | "center" | "right"
  • default : "center"
  • example: <left> type(scope): <center> subject <right>


  • description : Add extra types to default types
  • type : Array<{ name: string; value: string; emoji?: string }>
  • use : Use when you don't want to add bloated defaults and don't want to adjust the default order in configuration. Only want to add a little part of types.
  • default : []
  • example :
  "typesAppend": [
    { "value": "workflow", "name": "workflow:  Workflow changes" },
    { "value": "*!", "name": "*!:        BREAKING CHANGES" }
  "typesAppend": [
    { "value": "workflow", "name": "workflow:  Workflow changes" },
    { "value": "*!", "name": "*!:        BREAKING CHANGES" }


  • description : Default types list fuzzy search value key. Set false will search name key.
  • type : boolean
  • default : true


  • description : Default scopes list fuzzy search name key. Set true will search value key.
  • type : boolean
  • default : false


  • description : Set the location of empty option (empty) and custom option (custom) in selection range
  • type : "top" | "bottom" | "top-bottom" | "bottom-top"
  • default : "bottom"


  • description : Customize the name displayed on the command line for the custom option (custom) in the selection range
  • type : string
  • default : custom


  • description : Customize the name displayed on the command line if the empty option (empty) in the selection range
  • type : string
  • default : empty


  • description : Set the location of skip option (skip) and custom option (custom) in select issue prefix
  • type : "top" | "bottom" | "top-bottom" | "bottom-top"
  • default : "top"


  • description : custom select the issue prefix in the custom option (custom) to display the name on the command line
  • type : string
  • default : custom


  • description : Customize the name displayed on the command line in the skip option (skip) in the select issue prefix
  • type : string
  • default : skip


  • description : Determines whether the template commit message is colored in the commit
  • type : boolean
  • default : true


Using default value can produce many ways to make the tool more suitable for you or your team's habits, see the recipes.


  • description : pin type item the top of the types list (match types item value)
  • type : string
  • default : ""


  • description : pin scope item the top of the scope list (match scopes item value)
  • type : string
  • default : ""
  • other : Initialize the completion template in custom scope. you can use Tab or to quickly complete; you can also use the Enter output template directly.

Tip ⇒ see the recipes


  • description : Whether to use the display default value in the short description
  • type : string
  • default : ""
  • use : Initialize the completion template, you can use Tab or to quickly complete; you can also use the Enter output template directly.

Tip ⇒ see the recipes


  • description : Whether to use the display default value in the detailed description
  • type : string
  • default : ""
  • use : Initialize the completion template, you can use Tab or to quickly complete; you can also use the Enter output template directly.


  • description : Whether to use the display default value in the custom ISSUE prefix
  • type : string
  • default : ""
  • use : Initialize the completion template, you can use Tab or to quickly complete; you can also use the Enter output template directly.


  • description : Whether to use the display default value in the input ISSUE
  • type : string
  • default : ""
  • use : Initialize the completion template, you can use Tab or to quickly complete; you can also use the Enter output template directly.

Tip ⇒ see the recipes

I just try my best to make thing well, Could you give a star ⭐